Assignment #33 – Circles

Straight lines and sharp angles are largely a manmade concept and rarely appear in nature. No wonder, then, that our eyes are drawn to circles! Circles create a sense of wholeness, unity, completion. In nearly every culture and in art, they are ancient symbols, representing the eternal, the infinite, even the sacred. Learn to incorporate circles into your images with these techniques:

Use circles as primary subjects. Circles are everywhere if you are looking for them: in the sun, the moon, the center of a flower, architectural details, even the center of our own eyes! Circles make a strong primary subject, drawing the viewer’s gaze. Multiple circles in an image create a sense of worlds connecting or colliding. Stacked circles suggest worlds within worlds.

Circles as a compositional device. Because circles are such powerful symbols, they need not be complete to be effective. Our brains will fill in any missing pieces. For this reason, they can be powerful compositional tools, connecting elements in an image. Circles take us on a process of discovery as our eyes trace the curve, creating unity, harmony, and a sense of organization between elements. 

After you have created your images, upload your post on our Muench University Facebook page. We will be waiting to offer helpful commentary, and we also encourage you to leave comments on each other’s images.

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Assignment #4 – Pattern and Repetition

Repetition of forms in an image is pleasing to the eye in much the same way that rhythm is pleasing to the ear in music. The eye tends to follow repetition, giving a sense of movement in the image. our assignment is to find patterns and repetition around you in your home. Use them in your images to create compelling compositions (just like music!)

Assignment #2 – Minimalism

Perhaps one of the hardest things to do as a photographer is to learn to compose images that are simple, yet still powerful. Creating a powerful minimalist image is hard because we don’t see minimal scenes with our own eyes.

Assignment #7 – Composing With Curves

Curves are inherently pleasing and are strong compositional elements as well. They can take many forms in an image, from a simple C-curve or an undulating S-curve to circles, arches, and even the classic spiral.

Challenge Yourself

A great way to improve your photography is to create a project of a personal subject or theme.

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Cyber Monday Sale!

$750 Off Any Workshop


Sign up for any workshop before midnight, November 28, 2023, and we’ll apply your $750 discount to your final balance payment.