Assignment #31 – Creating a Sense of Scale

Using a recognizable object like an animal or a human to scale a scene helps the viewer grasp just how grand and majestic a scene really is.

Adding a familiar reference point to your landscape images helps give a sense of proportion. So, for this week’s assignment, place a person, animal, or object in your composition to show just how impressive the scene is.

Your photos can be taken in the city or out in the landscapes around your home.

Please show us your interpretations of scale at Muench University. The community and our group of pro photographers will eagerly be waiting to give you some feedback and share some of their photos to give you more ideas.

Happy Shooting!

More like this…

Assignment #2 – Minimalism

Perhaps one of the hardest things to do as a photographer is to learn to compose images that are simple, yet still powerful. Creating a powerful minimalist image is hard because we don’t see minimal scenes with our own eyes.

Assignment #3 – The Color Red

This week’s assignment is to feature the color red. How does the color red make you feel? How do you use it in your photography?

Assignment #22 – Different Perspectives

There are many different ways to photograph a scene. Your point of view, the positioning of your camera, and even your focal point can all have a dramatic impact on the scene that you decided to capture.

Cyber Monday Sale!

$750 Off Any Workshop

Sign up for any workshop before midnight, November 28, 2023, and we’ll apply your $750 discount to your final balance payment.

Cyber Monday Sale!

$750 Off Any Workshop


Sign up for any workshop before midnight, November 28, 2023, and we’ll apply your $750 discount to your final balance payment.